Wow! It's been a long time since I updated! Sorry about that! The truth of the matter is I was in a huge slump. I felt like nothing I was doing was working and I needed to find a way to really get back on track. I've been running and working out like a feind. Still plateau.
Last Tuesday I had an epiphany. I started my plateau last July when I had surgery, but it was also around the same time that I stopped using my body bugg! I saw the new version on people on Jillian Michaels new show and I realized that I needed to go back to my body bugg. I decided that I wanted to get a new body bugg because the new version is much lighter and smaller. So I shopped around right then and there and purchased one right off of their website for a lot cheaper than anywhere else. It should be here sometime this week. :)
I am going to use the bodybugg for my calorie intake as well. It's worth the time and the money I'll put into it and I'll for sure be more than back on track!
So here I am- back on track. Eating right and exercising the right way. A race a month (two in September) and no more school eating temptations. It's going to be a wonderful summer!!