Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Son of a Nutcracker!"

I'm in a slightly better mood today. Slightly. I watched the last half of Elf last night and that restored some of my holiday cheer... I really need to wrap some presents and then I know I'll feel much better! I can't start tonight though because it's Biggest Loser finale night!! I love that show! It inspires me every week!

Yesterday I did much better with my eating. I didn't eat anything with preschool at lunch and we had yogurt for snack so I was ok! I am down 2 lbs from yesterday!

As for exercise:
I went to the gym yesterday and started out on the treadmill for 24 minutes: 2 minutes at a 4.2 walk, 11 minutes at a 5.6 run, 4 minutes walking at a 4.2, 5 min running at a 5.5 and a 2 minute cool down at 2.5. I went 1.97 miles and burned 320 calories :)
After the treadmill I did strength training for 30 minutes, focusing on my legs and thighs.
My last treadmill round was 25 minutes. I walked at a 4.2 for 3 minutes and then ran at a 5.5 for 11 minutes and then walked at a 4.2 for 8-9 minutes and did a 2 minute cooldown. I went 1.91 miles and burned 314 calories.
My total treadmill stats for yesterday was: 3.88 miles and 634 calories burned!

Today's plan:
30-45 minutes treadmill at gym
30 min power workout at Curves

2 egg white omelette with mushroom
2 slices whole wheat toast with jam
1 cup trop 50 orange juice


1 slice leftover pizza

Hormel entre
100 calorie treat

Today we are going to be taking the kids on a field trip to the bakery. Big temptation. I can do it though! No cookies or baked goods for me!

Have a great day!

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